In this brochure:
Today, the synagogue has replaced the Temple and Tabernacle and must serve those same two functions. Our congregation will develop programs and activities to fulfill both original mandates of sanctuaries. Preserving and spreading Torah, G-d's most precious gift and guide to life itself, in the minds of our membership; as well as promoting the spirit of Matan Torah, thereby inspiring our congregants by imbuing their hearts with a love of G-d.
We have built a different, unique and special "kehilla - community" in Skokie. It is an Orthodox congregation. "Halacha - Jewish law" is decided according to the traditions of Brisk and Volozhin. As with all synagogues, it will be the focus for the celebration of Jewish life cycle events. However, it also adapts the model of Jewish communities of nineteenth century Europe, and attempt to once again make the synagogue the center of Jewish life by emphasizing the primacy and sanctity of Torah and its applicability to all aspects of human endeavor. A congregation must be relevant, and central to the lives of its members. It must be a true renaissance institution where congregants can grow to their full potential in all aspects of their spiritual, emotional, and social development. As Jews living in a cosmopolitan society, we are presented with complex choices and decisions. The synagogue must be a safe place of refuge where we can grapple with these issues and become enlightened by the ancient yet timeless traditions of our people. In so doing, the synagogue will help prepare us for the end of the twentieth century and beyond. As we grow, we will offer additional programs.
The building design does and will continue to reflect the nature of activities that are and will be available in this communal resource when the multi-phase development is complete. The building will be accessible to all, as all Jews are responsible for one another. We are also responsible for the welfare and betterment of the general community. Our Kehilla aims to discharge those sacred obligations through the vision and direction of congregational leadership. Leadership will serve as key change agents and work in partnership with membership to actualize articulated goals.
Youth Group*
Mitzvah Corps
Youth Minyan
Junior Congregation
Music Program & Choir*
Midos/Morality Program
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training
Learning Resource Center
Museum Program for Children*
Chevrusa - Study Partner Program
Religious Education Computer Center*
Send-A-Kid-To-Israel-Partnership (S.K.I.P.)
* Programs currently in formation
Adult Jewish Learning Classes
Beit Hamusar
Hebrew Classes
Chevrusa - Study Partner Program
Sunday Educational Brunch Program
Inter-generational Program
Institute of Contemporary Jewish Life (see below)
"Chosin - Groom" & "Kallah - Bride" Classes
Lance and Rebecca Malamud Reference Library
Max Katz o.b.m. Learning Resource Center
Audio Cassette Torah Tape Lending Library
Pirkei Avot Classes
Parshat Hashavua - Weekly Torah Portion Class
Womens' Council Learning Sessions and Activities
Soviet Outreach Program Family-To-Family Program
Tehilla Religious Aliyah Lectures
Scholar-In-Residence Shabbaton Program
Programs in Formation
Bookstore and Gift Shop
Daf Yomi - Daily Folio of Talmud
Israel Missions Program
Israel Information Center
Traveling Exhibits
![]() | I. | Gemarah - Talmud |
  | II. | Tanach - Bible |
  | III. | Jewish History |
  | IV. | Philosophy |
  | V. | Hebrew Language Instruction |
  | VI. | Israel Studies |
VII. | Parachaplain Training |
PHASE I | ![]() | Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik |
The Rabbi Ahron and Rebbetzin Ella Soloveichik Torah Center was dedicated in May 2004. Phase II consists of the main sanctuary. The west wall of the sanctuary is connected to the banquet and social hall. The rooms will be divided by a moving partition to accommodate larger events. In this phase a Bait Midrash/Library, was also built.
Phase III will consist of the construction of a two story addition containing the mikva (a private facility available only to members of the congregation), classroom wing, learning resource center/bait medrash, office space, reception area and administrative offices. This will complete site development and is projected to be the final phase of the development of the congregation.
The construction of our new home will provide our friends, neighbors and long time supporters with naming opportunities to perpetuate the sacred memory of a loved one or to pay tribute to a family member or friend. Opportunities that exist include:
CAMPUS | $3,600,000 |
Social Hall | 360,000 |
Kitchen - Meat | 36,000 |
Kitchen - Dairy | 18,000 |
Lobby | 25,000 |
Entrance | 25,000 |
Children's Room (each room) | 18,000 |
Gift Shop | 25,000 |
Coat Room (each room) | 10,000 |
General Office | 10,000 |
Rabbi's Office | 15,000 |
Aron Kodesh | SOLD |
Ner Tamid | SOLD |
Aron Kodesh Cover | 15,000 |
Bimah | SOLD |
Cantor's Pulpit | 10,000 |
Holocaust Memorial Lamp | SOLD |
Aron Kodesh Cover (High Holidays) | 7,500 |
Bimah Cover | 5,000 |
Stained Glass Panel (each) | 5,000 |
Book Stacks (each) | 3,600 |
Rabbi's Chair | 3,600 |
President's Chair | 3,600 |
Torah Cover (each) | 2,500 |
Memorial Plaque (each) | 360 |
Mezuzah (each) | 300 |
Bimah | 7,500 |
Ner Tamid | 5,000 |
Aron Cover - Daily | 5,000 |
Aron Cover - Holidays | 2,500 |
Bimah Cover | 2,500 |
Cantor's Pulpit | 1,800 |
Classroom (each) | 50,000 |
Mikvah | 150,000 |
The Etty Rubinow Tree of Life
Leaves are only $100 each, acorns are $500 each
and foundation stones are $1000 each.
Yartzeit plaques are a fitting way to memorialize loved ones.
They are only $360.
The Kel Malei prayer will be said prior to the yartzeit,
and Kaddish will be said on the yartzeit.
In addition to perpetually endowing all or part of the actual facility, any program listed for youth, families, adults or mature adults (see above) can also be endowed.
For information on naming opportunities, please contact Rabbi Lazovsky at (847) 676-0556, Larry Weinger at (847) 677-2198, Steve Goldrich at (847) 675-8730, or the congregation at (847) 679-9800. If you prefer, you can e-mail the congregation.